We walked for days on end. They wouldn't let me sleep. Every time I came close to sleeping, one of them would wake me up. After two days we had met other wolves that had some sort of thing with branches connected to them. In between the branches was a piece of hide. The hide was stretched out to form some sort of bed.
I asked Hark, "What is that thing for?
He said, "you'll know soon enough"
"What are you a part of anyway"
"We are the Balkas"
"What do you want"
"To rule all wolves"
"So, that's why you caught me ?"
I lowered my tail. I was already tired. They had kept me weak by little food, water, and sleep. I let out a yawn as we started traveling again. My eyes started to droop. I let my eyes close but I was still walking. Soon . . . I bumped into something and woke up.
"Stupid wolf" said one of the gray guards.
"If you would let me sleep I could walk with my eyes open"
The wolf sprang at me. I jumped back.
"Why don't you stop your whining . . . unless you want to die!"
I stopped, but after walking a while longer, I truely fell asleep.
"There Gart, he fell asleep. He should stay asleep until we get to the base" said the guard.
"Good work, Stark"
After that I felt a set of teeth sink in to each leg . I was dragged onto the hide thing and after that I fell into a deep sleep.
Chapter 15
16 years ago
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