The sled came to a stop again three days later. There was a commotion ahead. I saw all of the Balkas running ahead except for the one guarding me. I caught a scent on the breeze. It smelled familiar. I got up and ran. The guard ran after me but when I stopped at the forming circle so did the guard.
There in the middle of the circle was . . . . Moge. I didn't know whether to be happy to see him again or be mad because he abandoned me. I growled and walked forward. I was mad. The surrounding Balkas looked at me in surprise.
"Tuff!" Said Moge
"Moge you left me with the humans" I growled.
Moge's smile faded. He started to growl in defense but he really didn't want to hurt me I could tell. A little part of me told me to forgive him but I was to consumed in rage. I leaped and he jumped back. I tackled him and we bowled over. We bit and tussled going for each others throats. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Hark was finally looking up from where he was laying down. He's eyes lit up.
Hark came running. I fought harder to win but all the odds were against me. Hark came charging in and yelled, "STOP!"
The fighting stopped just in time. Moge had his jaws around my neck poised to kill. I was trembling from the effort of the fight.
"You ! . . . tell me your name !"
"I'm Moge and I'm Tuff's older brother"
"We have no need for you . . . get out of here"
"No! Not without my brother"
"But, you were just about to kill him"
"Yeah ! . . . but only out of instinct"
"You leave me no choice, the rest of you . . . kill him !"
"Wait" I yelled.
All of the Balkas stood there bewildered.
"I won't come with you without my brother . . . . alive"
"Very well then, but we need you to move"
"Fine, you eight over there . . . separate them"
Eight wolves came over . . . four on me, and the same for Moge. The four on me dragged me away by my legs. I was too tired to fight back. The other four held Moge down so he couldn't reach me.
"Now Balkas, attack but don't kill . . . . Moge"
There was a frenzy. Moge let out a shrill cry. After a minute. They layed Moge next to me on the sled. Moge was covered in blood. He whimpered with every bump.
"Moge . . . I'm sorry"
"It's not your fault"
"But it is, I got you in this mess"
"If it weren't for you, they would have killed me . . . thanks"
"Have you been roming too"
"Yeh . . . that's just about it. How did you get away from the humans"
At that, I told him my story as we bumped down the path.
Chapter 15
16 years ago
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