We were nearing a mountain range. The sled entered a clearing. I was very, very, very tired. So was Moge.
"Take them to the holding cave" Said Hark.
The sled neared a cave mouth and went in. It went steeply down hill. Then we entered a cave. There were the group of scared wolves. Then I realized. All of the wolves were from this year. They were all my age.
The sled came to a stop.
"Get off" said on of the guards.
We got off and then fell down in a heap. My body had become so used to just laying there that now it hurt to stand up. I stood up again. My legs shook like a new born cub's. I walked into the circle followed by Moge.
A black wolf walked up. I noticed it was a small male. But he was not really small, just young.
"Hello I'm Issy" said the wolf.
"Hi Issy, I'm Tuff, and this is my big brother Moge" I said.
"Why is he here"
"Well, I convinced the Balkas to let him come"
"Wow! It must have taken a lot to convince them"
"Not really"
"Oh, well why don't you come over here where my brother is"
We walked through the group of scared young wolves. We found this other white wolf who was asleep.
"Garth get up" said Issy.
The white wolf named Garth opened one eye. "What do you want" he said.
"Meet Tuff and his brother Moge"
"What's the point"
"Will you stop acting like that!"
"Well, do you think we're gonna live? We don't even know what they're looking for"
"I do" I said.
"Well, what do they want"
"They want . . . . . they want the one with the power of the Nost"
"Yeah . . . and it's no fairy tale. Their leader has the power"
"Yeah . . . right . . . prove it"
"I got told by the Balkas"
"How do you know they weren't lying"
"Wait" said Issy.
"Remember the other day. Stella came and visited us and when she got mad a wolf flew through the air"
"That's part of the whole deal. Remember what grandad told us, before they killed him. He also told us how to control it if we have it or if we find the wolf that has the power"
"What did you just say?" I said.
"We know how to control it"
"Well, you better start teaching"
"What?!" said Garth and Issy.
"I have the power. I even had a vision of being here."
After that, I told them what had happened in my life. Then, they agreed to help me.
Chapter 15
16 years ago
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