Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chapter 14 Practice

I woke up one day to my brother Moge's stinky breath. I rolled over with a snort. I got up and stretched. No one could tell what time of day it was while we were in the cave, when you got tired you just lay down and went to sleep.

I got up and nudged Issy. Is stirred but went back to sleep. I bit his ear. He rolled over. I growled and poked him in the ribs. Finally he woke up.

"What do you want?" he said.

"Come on . . . teach me a little. There is only one guard awake" I said and it was true.

"Ok, I guess"

After that, Issy showed me some techniques to practice that his grand wolf had taught him. After awhile Issy got irritated with me.

"You know what? How do we know if you even have the full power?"

"What, now your quiting on me!"

"Well . . . . try looking in my mind"


"That's the fourth power level of the Nost"

"Well, I guess I can try"

I tried harder and harder and harder.

There was a small voice. I looked around and it vanished. I tried again. There was the voice again.

"I wonder if Tuff really has the power of the Nost" It was Issy's voice!



"I-I can hear your thoughts"

"Really what did I think"

"You were wondering if I really had the power of the Nost"

Issy just looked at me. A twinkle lit up his eyes.

"Oh my god. You really have the power of the Nost. I doubted you at first, but you really have the power of the Nost!"

"Wait does this mean? Does it mean I'll be able to beat the Balkas leader?"

"Not right now . . . we have a lot of training to do"

After that, we trained until everyone else woke up. But now someone besides my brother truly believed in me.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Chapter 13 Issy and Garth

We were nearing a mountain range. The sled entered a clearing. I was very, very, very tired. So was Moge.

"Take them to the holding cave" Said Hark.

The sled neared a cave mouth and went in. It went steeply down hill. Then we entered a cave. There were the group of scared wolves. Then I realized. All of the wolves were from this year. They were all my age.

The sled came to a stop.

"Get off" said on of the guards.

We got off and then fell down in a heap. My body had become so used to just laying there that now it hurt to stand up. I stood up again. My legs shook like a new born cub's. I walked into the circle followed by Moge.

A black wolf walked up. I noticed it was a small male. But he was not really small, just young.

"Hello I'm Issy" said the wolf.

"Hi Issy, I'm Tuff, and this is my big brother Moge" I said.

"Why is he here"

"Well, I convinced the Balkas to let him come"

"Wow! It must have taken a lot to convince them"

"Not really"

"Oh, well why don't you come over here where my brother is"

We walked through the group of scared young wolves. We found this other white wolf who was asleep.

"Garth get up" said Issy.

The white wolf named Garth opened one eye. "What do you want" he said.

"Meet Tuff and his brother Moge"

"What's the point"

"Will you stop acting like that!"

"Well, do you think we're gonna live? We don't even know what they're looking for"

"I do" I said.

"Well, what do they want"

"They want . . . . . they want the one with the power of the Nost"


"Yeah . . . and it's no fairy tale. Their leader has the power"

"Yeah . . . right . . . prove it"

"I got told by the Balkas"

"How do you know they weren't lying"

"Wait" said Issy.


"Remember the other day. Stella came and visited us and when she got mad a wolf flew through the air"


"That's part of the whole deal. Remember what grandad told us, before they killed him. He also told us how to control it if we have it or if we find the wolf that has the power"

"What did you just say?" I said.

"We know how to control it"

"Well, you better start teaching"

"What?!" said Garth and Issy.

"I have the power. I even had a vision of being here."

After that, I told them what had happened in my life. Then, they agreed to help me.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Chapter 12 The talk

I had the dream about the scared wolves again. Although this time I could see the scenery. We were in a cave, deep in a mountain. We hadn't seen any sunlight for some time. There were other Balkas around us. They were listening, to see if one of us had the Nost. Then a white wolf came into view. I figured this was the leader of the Balkas. She walked up to us and said, "Tuff wake up"

I woke up to Moge.

I said, "What's the matter"

"Come on wake up"

"OK! I'm awake"

"I wanted to show you something"


"Look at the sky"

I looked up. The sky was the clearest I could ever remember it being in my life.

"Moge . . . I . . . It's so beautiful"

"That is one reason we howl at the moon. A long time ago a wolf name Tos was looking at the sky. This is before there was any howling, but Tos looked at the sky and thought how beautiful it was . . . and all of a sudden . . . he got a strange new feeling. It started in his chest and had to come out. Tos was the first wolf to howl. Wolves all over heard his song and took up the tradition of howling"

"Wow. What happened to Tos"

"Tos lived to be an old wolf. When he died, it has been said that he is always watching us . . . Protecting us . . . Making sure that the wolf goes on. But in which direction I don't know. Into the hands of evil or to the fate of good"

"Moge. You know two days ago . . . when we found out I have the Nost ?"

"Yeah ?"

"I've been thinking . . . what if my dreams are real?"

"What ? "

"I think I dreamt of the future . . . a couple of times . . . It felt SO real . . . Can I tell you about them?"

"I don't think now is the right time. Maybe, after we get out of this mess"

"If we get out of this mess"

"If the Balkas decide to kill us then you can tell me before we die, ok?"

"OK, Moge, but . . . I hope we don't die anytime soon"

At that I started to tremble all over.

"What's wrong little brother"

"Moge" I looked at him. "I'm scared"

"No reason to be scared of death. Everything dies"

That made me feel a lot better.

"Thank you, Moge"

That night . . . the night before we reached the Balkas base. I slept soundly with my big brother Moge next to me.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Chapter 11 The Nost

"Three more days"

I woke up and looked around but the only wolves close were out of earshot. Yet, I could hear them.

"Three more days until we reach base"


"I can't wait, my feet are killing me"

I was astounded. I tried to wake up Moge but he wouldn't wake up! After a while I bit his ear. He woke up to that. Moge eased back.

"What's the matter" he asked.

I said, "Can you hear those wolves over there"


"Seriously ? !"

"Yeah, I can't hear them . . . whats the big deal?"

"Tell me the story of the Nost again"


"Just do it"

So, Moge told me. The answer hit me right away but I waited for Moge to figure it out. Moge thought about it . . . and thought about it. Then his eyes lit up.

"You don't think . . . do you ?"

"YES . . . I think I do"

"They're searching for the wolf who has the power"

"I know . . . that scares me"

"We mustn't let them find out . . . or . . . or . . . or . . . we don't know what will happen"

"Moge, all we've got to do is act natural . . . we better try to get some more sleep"

"I feel that's the only reason that we're still alive . . . the sleep"

I had a dream then. I dreamed of a family. I saw me, a she wolf and several cubs. I wondered "Is this the power of the Nost?" I kept on dreaming. It turned dark and it was blurred.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Chapter 10 Rejoined

The sled came to a stop again three days later. There was a commotion ahead. I saw all of the Balkas running ahead except for the one guarding me. I caught a scent on the breeze. It smelled familiar. I got up and ran. The guard ran after me but when I stopped at the forming circle so did the guard.

There in the middle of the circle was . . . . Moge. I didn't know whether to be happy to see him again or be mad because he abandoned me. I growled and walked forward. I was mad. The surrounding Balkas looked at me in surprise.

"Tuff!" Said Moge

"Moge you left me with the humans" I growled.

Moge's smile faded. He started to growl in defense but he really didn't want to hurt me I could tell. A little part of me told me to forgive him but I was to consumed in rage. I leaped and he jumped back. I tackled him and we bowled over. We bit and tussled going for each others throats. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Hark was finally looking up from where he was laying down. He's eyes lit up.

Hark came running. I fought harder to win but all the odds were against me. Hark came charging in and yelled, "STOP!"

The fighting stopped just in time. Moge had his jaws around my neck poised to kill. I was trembling from the effort of the fight.

"You ! . . . tell me your name !"

"I'm Moge and I'm Tuff's older brother"

"We have no need for you . . . get out of here"

"No! Not without my brother"

"But, you were just about to kill him"

"Yeah ! . . . but only out of instinct"

"You leave me no choice, the rest of you . . . kill him !"

"Wait" I yelled.

All of the Balkas stood there bewildered.

"I won't come with you without my brother . . . . alive"

"Very well then, but we need you to move"


"Fine, you eight over there . . . separate them"

Eight wolves came over . . . four on me, and the same for Moge. The four on me dragged me away by my legs. I was too tired to fight back. The other four held Moge down so he couldn't reach me.

"Now Balkas, attack but don't kill . . . . Moge"

There was a frenzy. Moge let out a shrill cry. After a minute. They layed Moge next to me on the sled. Moge was covered in blood. He whimpered with every bump.

"Moge . . . I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault"

"But it is, I got you in this mess"

"If it weren't for you, they would have killed me . . . thanks"

"Have you been roming too"

"Yeh . . . that's just about it. How did you get away from the humans"

At that, I told him my story as we bumped down the path.

Chapter 9 The secret

I slept in a non-sleep on the sled. I dreamed of Clara, and Bran. I also dreamed of Moge. I dreamed of a happy event but couldn't really make it out. One of the Balkas would come over and make sure I was awake but it was like being awake but not. I saw images flash through my brain.

This was the scariest thing that had ever happened in my life, so I just figured my body was trying to escape reality. The sled came to a stop. I opened my eyes and the dream images faded. We were just camping again. Skart came up and said,

"Get up whelp"

I tried to get up but I was still so tired. I swayed but did as I was told. We walked over to Hark.

Hark asked, "You know that question you asked a few days ago ?" I nodded. "Now I can give you the answer. The reason we captured you is because we are looking for the one that was born this year who can control the Nost"

I said, "That's impossible. It's just an old story"

"No, it's not! Our leader Stella controls the power. She is looking for another wolf to stand at her side and help her"

"After the rude hospitality I've received, it would be amazing if anyone helped her"

"We need to keep you weak so that you can not run away or fight back"

"Nothing can make a wolf weak and you should know that"

"Oh . . . but we have ways"

I gulped.

"Take back the captive. I want him weaker than ever"

I growled as two wolves lead me back to the sled. They made me lay down and soon enough I was asleep again in the restless sleep.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chapter 8 Walking

We walked for days on end. They wouldn't let me sleep. Every time I came close to sleeping, one of them would wake me up. After two days we had met other wolves that had some sort of thing with branches connected to them. In between the branches was a piece of hide. The hide was stretched out to form some sort of bed.

I asked Hark, "What is that thing for?

He said, "you'll know soon enough"

"What are you a part of anyway"

"We are the Balkas"

"What do you want"

"To rule all wolves"

"So, that's why you caught me ?"


I lowered my tail. I was already tired. They had kept me weak by little food, water, and sleep. I let out a yawn as we started traveling again. My eyes started to droop. I let my eyes close but I was still walking. Soon . . . I bumped into something and woke up.

"Stupid wolf" said one of the gray guards.

"If you would let me sleep I could walk with my eyes open"

The wolf sprang at me. I jumped back.

"Why don't you stop your whining . . . unless you want to die!"

I stopped, but after walking a while longer, I truely fell asleep.

"There Gart, he fell asleep. He should stay asleep until we get to the base" said the guard.

"Good work, Stark"

After that I felt a set of teeth sink in to each leg . I was dragged onto the hide thing and after that I fell into a deep sleep.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chapter 7 The wolf

I was in a clearing surrounded by other wolves. All the other wolves were scared. There were several other wolves around us. Those wolves looked mean and vicious. I was scared yet confident. Then a white wolf walked up and said . . . snap.

I woke up. There were humans near by. The took everything they could squirrel from to bird to predator. I edged away. The only good thing about humans is that they are noisy. I ran to the edge of the boundary. This was the third day in a row that I had been here and it was close to ending summer. The only reason I had stayed was so if Moge came back he could find me.

It was very close to the end though and I doughted Moge was going to come back for me. I had to leave. At lease I could try to find a new pack or something. Two weeks later I left. I ran and ran and ran. I hunted while I ran and I just kept on running. I ran through two mountain ranges before I stopped at a creek to drink.

I heard a growl behind me. I froze. I hadn't smelt a boundary marking but there was still growling. I turned my head. There in front of me was a large gray wolf.

"Hello my name is Hark" said the figure with a horrible smile.

"Hi I'm Tuff. Nice to meet you" I said as my voice cracked from not using it.

"You need to come with me Tuff"

"Why" I said uneasy, "I don't need to come with you I don't need help or anything"

"You better come with me" he said with a growl.

I got a instinct and it told me to run.

I turned and ran. Hark was hot at my heels. He tackled and bowled me over. I stood up and ran again and yelled "Leave me alone!"

"Never I need to bring you too the leader"

He bowled me over again and pinned me. I bit his leg and got up. "Who is you leader"

"You'll find out" then to something else "The rest of you help me"

All of a sudden there were twenty or more wolves on me.

"Stop before you kill him we need him alive!"

They stopped attacking me but one had his mouth over my throat. I was paralyzed with fear.

"Everyone form a circle so we can take him back and not let him get away"

They formed a circle and I was trapped.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Chapter 6 Escape

Being trapped is the worse thing for a wolf. I just sat there all day eating whatever the humans gave me. My coat was losing its shine. I was dull and dirty. Everyday they take me out but before that they shoot me with a drug so I can't escape. Then they tie a rope around my muzzle and around my neck. It was tight enough to make sure the piece holding my muzzle shut would stay on but loose enough that it wouldn't choke me.

They would also test me. Poke me prod me stab me with needles. It went like this for a whole moon. Every night I cried to Moge but he never returned. I never expected him to. Then one night I got an idea. When they went to let me out I was going to escape. They would shoot me with the drug and I would fight it. Then when they opened the cage I would bolt for it.


I waited for the right time. Finally it came. They shoot me with the sleepy stuff and I fought it. My brain became confused. Eventually I gained control. Then they tied the rope around my muzzle. They opened the door and I bolted. I ran so fast I hurt to breath through my nose. Eventually I outran them. It was time for part two of my plan. I had to find a tree with a branch that was just the right height. I found one and I ran it across my muzzle. I pulled the rope off.

Now I had to search for Moge. I searched and searched but I never found him. He had left the area! I was sad when I came to the conclusion. I howled and howled for Moge. Soon enough I learned how to survive on my own but I had a strange feeling it was not going to be all right forever. A strange event was happening. That strange happening was going to effect all nature.

"But what could I do about it" I thought, "There is certainly nothing I can do and if I can I'll find out soon enough. That day I set up my boundaries. It was going to be hard since winter was just around the corner.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Chapter 5 White suits

Moge and I walked in the no wolf zone for what felt like forever. We went over tons of mountains. I was growing and my adult teeth were coming in. Moge had to hunt most of the time. It happened when I was half grown and I had most of my adult teeth. Moge and I were hunting when I felt a little sting in my rump.

I started to feel tired. I fell down exhausted.

I woke up to what felt like a dream. I was surronded by humans in white suits. I was in a cage. I looked at them and they looked at me. We were still in the mountains. After awhile my senses came back at full power. The humans were always staring at me.

That night when the humans had gone to bed I howled to Moge. There was a flash and there was Moge.

"I'm sorry I had to what for the humans to go" ,said Moge.

I said desperatly, "Moge there is no way to chew threw the bars(made out of wood)"

"I'll try to break it"

Moge slammed the cage over and over and over again trying to get me out. At last Moge stopped out of breath. Moge looked at me with sorry eyes.

"No, Moge don't"

"I'm sorry Tuff but there's no way to . . . . . . . "

At that Moge turned and ran.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooo, Moge don't leave me, I have no one else" I yelled

"Cooooooooooooooooome Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack" I howled.

There was no anwser. I let out a whimper. Now I was all alone stuck in a cage near humans. I didn't know what to do. All I could do was hope for the best.