I was on a platform. The platform was in a nothingness with everything. Next to me was wolf 74. The wolf that was in my body after me. He was like a shell. I had started to reach to him and give him my memories. There was some sort of force in between us keeping us apart. I had access to my memories. Wolf 74 had part control over the memories. I looked at the two combined circles that made my vision. I was watching what my body was seeing with this other me.
There was another force keeping me from the front of my mind. The concious part. It was from Stella's meat that erases your memory. In the front of my mind was another me just different. It was the Tuff Stella was creating. Wolf 74 had been there first. I was able to bend the boundry holding me back. This in turn had given wolf 74 some memories of mine. I had changed his look a little. He looked more like me instead of the slave he was. I looked at the new memories that the New Tuff was making. They were getting rid of my old memories. In an effect it was exterminating me from my own mind.
I watched the senses. I was still getting imput but I wasn't able to react. Right now Stella was talking to another of the Balkas. She was [planning something. I turned away. If I watched it would only stress me out. I looked at my old memories. The seemed as if I was just seeing the event. I walked into the area with my memories. Wolf 74 followed me till I reached the memory area were I became invisible to him.
I was searching for a memory. It was there somewere. I found the desired memory I wanted. It was the memory of the day the humans came and killed my pack. I watched it again looking for points. I saw Ali get killed yes that was true. I saw the gun pointed at Moge. Then it was swung around to Bran. I saw the gun fired. Then it slowed down. I saw that the bullet had missed Bran almost intirerly. It went right through his ear making a bloody hole. Then Bran fell to the ground acting dead. I looked back a little more in the memory to when Carla, Salka, and Gart were supposedly killed.
I saw the gas dumped down. Then as the man when to get the match I saw a little cloud of dust. Mom did dig a little out of the way of the flames. Then I saw the man drop the match in and it catch fire. Then Gart and Salka trying to get out. Then I saw something else. It wasn't there skin getting burned away it was the flicker of the flames. Then right before the smoke covered the hole I saw them getting pulled back. Now it all made sense. I had only seen stuff I thought had happened.
I walked back to my platform area. I looked at wolf 74. He was laying down. Wolf 74 usually was quiet for that is how he had been instructed how he lived. He raised his head as I walked back into view. Then he said something.
"Y-your name is Tuff right" said wolf 74.
"Yeah. I already know your name. Your seeing this also right" Wolf 74 looked at were Stella's Tuff was. Controling all the body movements and moods. I wish I could get to him like I did to wolf 74. This new forget meat was a lot stronger than before. Wolf 74 spoke.
"I can see him. What's happening"
"That white wolf that was the boss. She's the enemy. She's captured are body and is now molding an evil of us. I'm good. Your a by stander and he's . . . evil"
"You sure"
"It's only a huntch but why else would Stella keep me like I was here son"
"I don't know. You have to admit she does have the motherly touch though" I looked at the senses area. It was true. Stella was acting motherly a lot. Maybe she had wolf pups before or something.
"Do you know about the Nost"
"Yeah. Issy and Garth told me a little of it"
"I think. We'll have to work together. To break out of this. I will in effect problebly destroy you and him though"
"I really don't care. I just don't want are body to be evil. I also wish I didn't have that last memory"
"You mean that one"
"Both of them. The other slaves. They were trying so hard. Are mind was wandering and collecting it all. But I still ate the meat and sealed are fate"
"What's the other one"
"The one. Of working. Being choked but not being able to die. It's just horrible"
"You got hurt also"
"What do you mean"
"Your part of the inner mind also got hurt. You remember burning some fur off while you were getting dragged" Wolf 74 seemed deep in thought. Then he said,
"Now that you say it I do"
"Well I can see some of the places were the fur is rubbed off"
Wolf 74 became quiet.
"You done for now" I asked. Wolf 74 nodded. "Ok. We'll leave it at that for now"
My attention was brought back to were the senses came to us. There was a black wolf standing in front of the body. The wolf looked crest fallen. It's mussle very tightly wire shut. I could see blood comeing from it's muzzle were the wire bite through. I could also see it's tail was bent. Possibly broken. I looked at wolf 74. He was watching as well. I looked back at the scene.
Stella was giving instructions on something. I quickly listened. She said, "Now will be your first test. To prove you have the power that is stronger than mine. I want you to kill this slave wolf"
All of a sudden wolf 74 yelled out, "No!"
I looked at him. "What" I said, "What!"
Wolf 74 looked at me with an expression of shock, sadness, and overwelment. He slowly said in a shacky voice with a sad tremor running through it, "Tuff" he let out a sob, "Tuff, that's Issy!" If a wolf could shed a tear. Wolf 74 would have at that moment.
Chapter 15
16 years ago
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